Julia is Simply Lovable

Enrolled for Learning Path:Julia:Explore Data Science with Julia in Udemy. Instructor Ivo Balbaert did not take much time to impress. Julia is simply Lovable. Ordered Hard copy of book on Amazon by the same Author. Eagerly awaiting to receive my consignment Data Science with Julia by By Paul D. McNicholas and Peter A. Tait is […]

Visual Programming

When Engineers moved from Assembly to C, it was great. It was movement from Machine readable format to Human readable format. One step closer to Human convenience. Then there was an attempt 15-20 years back to take the programming one step further. Auto generate code from Visuals {Ex: Telelogic for Telecom domain, Rational for General […]

True Data Scientists

Altermarkive Tech you tube link. 180 subscribers?? Folks what has gone wrong. Million subscribers for some crap and deserving channels have no takers!! After exploring everything, I mean I evaluated so many Tools and Libraries I am going back to my basics. The subscription to Kaggle was for additional Data Sets only.