GitHub Data Counter Intuitive

facebook/react 194k starsbootstrap 159k starsangular/angular 83.5k starsvuejs/core 32.3k stars Fortunately, we have some statistics. Courtesy, GitHub. But, GitHub data is quite counter intuitive for me. Any comments?

Short: Game changer for Front End. Long: The features list is amazing. Many challenges are addressed. Want to learn Nuxt3 desparately. In particular looking forward for Nuxt DevTools. Finally Nuxt3 community, how do you develop such great things? :). May be, your years of development experience as Front End Developers speaks as a product.

Be Humble. Intellect and Knowledge is Universal. Stop Using Your Pedigree a.k.a. Institute Name to Sell Anything and Everything.

I repeat my self. More correct in Indian context. There are NO so called premier Institutes. This is a Media created mess. Talented/Knowledgeable Faculty/Students can be found any where. Talent/Knowledge is not confined to segment of Institutes. Faculty selection criteria in “few” Institutes solely on the basis of college that you went, certificates, citation count […]


“React Quickly” by AZAT MARDAN, MANNING Publications.Wish I had met this teachers earlier. So Logical in teaching!. “Pro MERN Stack” by Vasan Subramanian, Apress Publications. Thank you for your effort spent in teaching.

Open Letter to Recruiters

I am a polyglot who switches between C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python and Go on the need basis. And I do not try to remember syntaxes of all. If your interviews cannot go beyond syntax (Read it as so called live coding sessions without access to search engines), Kindly do not invite me for interview. […]