Thank you KaTex and MathJax

Thank you KaTex and MathJax for your contributions. KaTex in particular for lighting up my markdown documentations in VS Code.

Python is no more slow : Do we need yet another language for DS/DL?

Workload : Convolutional Neural Network Model Training with training set of 4000 images. Case 1 : Mint (21 Cinnamon 5.4.12 ) exterior with {Ubuntu + Linux (5.15.0-52-generic)} interior, Python (3.10.6), Tensorflow (2.10.0). Hardware i7-3520M CPU@2.9 GHZ X 2 i.e 3rd Gen i7 Training speed 166 ms/step Case 2: Windows 10 Home Build 19044, Python (3.7.13), […]

My Practical Journey of AI/ML/DL/DS

It is the time to remember all my Tutors of practical AI/ML/DL/DS. Word of Thanks to: Hadelin de PontevesKirill EremenkoJose PortillaRyan AhemadSebastian RaschkaMicahel KroekerFabio NelliAurélien GéronDavy, Arno and MohamedManoharSwamynathanJojo Moolayil365 Careers TeamFrancois CholletMany many more…. The partial list above is wonderful people from whom I learnt practical AI/ML/DL/DS. There are many many more who taught […]